Thursday, July 21, 2011

What are the various displays available?

What are the various displays available? Explain with example.
  1. Raster scan displays: It is based on television technology. In this system an electron beam is swept across the screen, one row at a time form top to bottom. As the electron beam moves across each row, the beam intensity is turned on & off to create a pattern of illuminated spots. Picture definition is stored in a memory area called frame buffer. This memory area holds the set of intensity values for all the screen points. Stored intensity values are then retrieved from the buffer & plotted on the screen one row at a time. e.g. printers
  2. Random Scan displays: Here a CRT has the electron beam directed only to the parts of the screen where a picture is to be drawn Random scan monitors draw a picture one line at a time. e.g.: pen plotter.
  3. Color CRT monitors: They display color pictures by using a combination of phosphors that emit different colored light. By combining the emitted light form the different phosphors, a range of colors can be generated.
  4. A direct view storage tube stores picture information as a charge distribution just behind the phosphor created screen. Two electron guns are used in a DVST. One, the primary gun, is used to store the picture pattern, the second, the flood gun, maintains the picture display.
  5. Flat-panel displays: It refers to a class of video devices that have reduced volume, weighty & power requirements compared to a CRT. They are divided into two categories:
    1. Emissive displays: are devices that convert electrical energy into light. e.g. Plasma panels.
    2. Non-emissive displays: are devices that convert sunlight or light from some other source into graphics patterns. E.g.: LCD.

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